


Following the recommendations of April 24, 2020 issued by the High Council for Public Health, reinforced by recommendations specific to collective accommodation, concerning the principles of prevention to be taken into account in the context of a pandemic created by SARS-CoV-2, here is the list of measures we are implementing in our establishments. Given the uncertainties relating to the epidemic and regulatory situation, these measures are subject to change.

1. Appointment of a Covid referent:

One referent per company

2. Physical distancing:

Removal of workstations at a distance of at least 1 meter (reception, back office, offices) and recourse to alternative measures in case of impossibility: staggered hours, moving offices, installation of a plexiglass wall

Installation of a physical barrier at reception (plexiglass) cleaned regularly

Floor markings to materialize waiting positions (reception, elevators)

Depending on the layout of the premises, setting up a direction of circulation to avoid crossings

Staging of client arrivals when possible and management by staff (especially social groups where only members can stand within 1 meter)

Organization of schedules to stagger staff access to changing rooms and break rooms

Use of elevators reserved for the social group (family, occupants of the same room) or for staff exclusively

Payment of the stay and tourist taxes at check-in (contactless if possible) and deposit of the room cards in an urn for subsequent disinfection

3. Limitation of the number of people in collective spaces:

Decrease in reception capacities of common areas (lobby) and rest

Closing of breakfast buffets (breakfast box to be taken in the dining room or delivered to your room)

4. Barrier measures:

Hydro-alcoholic gel available at the entrance of the establishment and at strategic locations

Displays for staff and customers

Staff training in the Covid context

Dedicated equipment when possible (kits)

Reminder of barrier measures in public transport

Disinfection of shared equipment (computer keyboard, mouse, desktop, etc.)

Disinfection of equipment touched by customers (TPE) after use

Cleaning of packaged products excluding fresh before storage (breakfast)

Removal of all objects likely to be manipulated (newspapers, brochures, etc.)

5. Hand hygiene:

Encouragement to increase the frequency of hand washing

Display in the kitchen for hand washing every 30 minutes (every hour in the dining room)

Systematic hand washing after handling a contact point / shared equipment

Displays in work areas and staff areas (changing rooms, laundry room, rest ...)

6. Mask:

Provided to staff with change every 4 hours in normal use

Mandatory use for staff and delivery people

Display concerning the correct use of protective equipment

Staff training

Wearing a mask compulsory for customers in common areas

7. Laundry care:

Health protocols of providers adapted to the pandemic situation (delivery, washing)

Definition and respect of separate own / sales areas

Specific procedure for staff handling the laundry

Procedure adapted for laundry washed in-house (rags, outfits)

8. Waste disposal measures:

Purchase of non-manual trash can

Waste bins all equipped with plastic bag

9. Specific measures for cleaning / disinfecting public spaces:

Use of disinfectants certified by the manufacturer to be effective on SARS-CoV-2

Establishment of a disinfection plan and passage sheets

Procedure for regular disinfection of contact areas in common areas: entrance, lobby, elevators, stair handrails, courtyards, public toilets if open to customers

Systematic disinfection procedure for the reception area after each client

10. Specific measures for cleaning / disinfecting rooms:

Sustained ventilation at the start of the cleaning phase

Additional procedure for disinfection of in-room contact areas

Elimination of non-disinfectable material (stationery, cushions, etc.)

11. Specific measures for cleaning / disinfection of employee areas:

Procedure for disinfecting contact points in locker rooms and rest rooms

12. Ventilation measures and modification of ventilation systems:

Lobby ventilation according to possibility and security level (courtyards)

Systematic ventilation of the rooms at the start of cleaning

Regular cleaning of air conditioning unit filters

13. Management of a suspected case:

Staff symptom training

Provision of a thermometer

Procedure to be implemented by the staff, the Covid referent

Definition of an isolation place

Display of the conduct to be taken for staff and customers

Establishment of a follow-up of suspected cases

Specific disinfection procedure following recommendations from health authorities (occupational physician, health insurance)